On Wednesday, 16 September 2015 at 18:41:33 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
I don't think this is possible to establish in the general case. Wouldn't this require a full theorem prover? I think the only way for that to work is to fully unroll all loops and hope that a theorem prover can deal with it.

For example:

Object<ready> obj = create();

for ... {
  (Object<lend#> obj, Ref<Object,lend#> r) = obj.borrow();

On the other hand if you have this:

  for i=0..2 {
    (Object<lend#> obj, Ref<Object,lend#> r[i]) = obj.borrow();

then you can unwind it as (hopefully):

(Object<lend1234> obj, Ref<Object,lend1234> r[0]) = obj.borrow(); (Object<lend4324> obj, Ref<Object,lend4324> r[1]) = obj.borrow(); (Object<lend5133> obj, Ref<Object,lend5133> r[2]) = obj.borrow();

  x += somepurefunction(r[0]);
  x += somepurefunction(r[1]);
  x += somepurefunction(r[2]);

r[0].~this(); // r[0] proven unmodified, type is Ref<Object,lend1234>
  r[1].~this();  // r[1] proven to be Ref<Object,lend4324>
  r[2].~this(); // r[2] proven to be Ref<Object,lend5133>

If the lend IDs always are unique then you sometimes can prove that all constructors have a matching destructor... Or something like that...


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