For a while I've been trying to smuggle a piece of D code here and there in our project at Fujitsu.

The main code base is C and C++ mostly (with most of the code being C++). Of course I've been the only one knowing about D and I tried to spread the word about it but you probably know how C/C++ programmers are stubborn, being busy bashing at Java etc...

I've been writing small tools in D aiding testing, reproducing errors etc but rest of the team members were like "meh, boost can do it".

Yesterday, friend of mine in team, asked me "Hey, how do you iterate of AA in D?" And I was like WTF... I came to his desk and... I was amazed how FAST and without any problems he was able to setup DMD env, install VisualD plugin (he is rather M$ guy) and start coding in D (jumping on the phobos docs and at the same time)

Two days has passed and guy is like *omg it is so awesome* ;)

Also - super awesome surprise was DUB - networking policy in our company is very strict - using proxies all over the place. I was really happy when I discovered that DUB picks http_proxy env var out of the box!

So - now we are two folks in our team at Fujitsu writing tools in D - more are coming for sure!

To sum up:

Thanks to all of you who make all the tooling so great and up to the task.

Dub,, phobos docs, VisualD, Mono-D, DMD toolchain, LDC/GDC - everything seems to be at really good quality level right now, allowing totally new guys to start writing D right away.

Thumbs up!

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