On Tuesday, 22 September 2015 at 17:46:32 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
On Tuesday, 22 September 2015 at 16:36:42 UTC, Iakh wrote:
__mm_movemask_epi a cornerstone of the topic currently not implemented/not supported in D :(
AFAIK it has irregular result format

From ldc.gccbuiltins_x86:

int __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb128(byte16);
int __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb256(byte32);

What am I missing?

 — David

Your solution is platform dependent, isn't it?

core.simd XMM enum has commented this opcode
//PMOVMSKB = 0x660FD7

line 241

PMOVMSKB is opcode of the instruction. And there is no instruction generator for this opcode like this: pure nothrow @nogc @safe void16 __simd(XMM opcode, void16 op1, void16 op2);

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