On Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 04:01:18 UTC, Jacob wrote:
On Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 03:28:41 UTC, Rikki Cattermole
On 29/09/15 3:47 PM, Jacob wrote:
A gui app for dub that you run, it downloads the package info
from the
repository and you can select a project or create a new one
and it will
automatically add or remove dependencies?
I'm having to browse the repository then manually add the
to the dub.json file... so old school!
Also, the app could provide documentation, and other
resources(tutorials, etc) related the packages.
An app probably could be created in a few days and would make
experience more enjoyable. I'd create it myself but I'm busy
at the
moment, and it would probably take a big longer than someone
more informed.
Sounds like something an IDE can be used for.
Could be integrated but not necessary. Something that can
maintain and make it easier to remove, update, and all that.
doing it by hand is a pain when you have a lot of libraries
Error executing command build:
Root package test1 contains reference to invalid package gtk-d
Yet I used exactly what the dub repository says to use.
Error executing command build:
Root package test1 contains reference to invalid package
Error executing command build:
Root package test1 contains reference to invalid package
Error executing command build:
Root package test1 contains reference to invalid package gfm:math
Error executing command build:
Root package test1 contains reference to invalid package scid
Error executing command build:
Root package test1 contains reference to invalid package
Error executing command build:
Root package test1 contains reference to invalid package gl3n
It seems like all the packages are invalid!! WTH is going on? I
thought dub was suppose to be easy and work?
Does anyone actually maintain all this or use it? Cause surely I
shouldn't be getting errors like this? I have about 50 packages
in my dub.json and they all came from copying the dependency
directly(so no mistake on my part).
"name": "test1",
"description": "A minimal D application.",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2015, Jacob",
"authors": ["Jacob"],
"dependencies": {
"gfm:math": "~>3.0",
"dplug": "~>1.1.34",
"cerealed": "~>0.6.2",
"imageformats": "~>5.1.0",
"pathlib": "~>0.3.0",
"enumap": "~>0.4.0",
"mintegrated": "~>0.2.1",
"speech4d": "~>0.1.0",
"jsonizer": "~>0.5.1",
"dgame": "~>0.6.3",
"desil": "~>0.2.1",
"derelict-imgui": "~>0.7.0",
"derelict-sfml2": "~>3.0.1",
"derelict-steamworks": "~>0.0.3",
"derelict-util": "~>2.0.3",
"derelict-lua": "~>1.2.2",
"derelict-ode": "~>1.1.2",
"derelict-allegro5": "~>0.0.2",
"derelict_extras-mantle": "~>0.2.0",
"derelict_extras-fann": "~>4.0.1",
"derelict_extras-sndfile": "~>2.0.0",
"derelict_extras-bass": "~>2.0.0",
"derelict-cl": "~>2.0.0",
"derelict-enet": "~>2.0.0",
"derelict-assimp3": "~>1.0.1",
"derelict-ft": "~>1.0.2",
"m3d": "~>0.1.4",
"derelict-sass": "~>2.0.0",
"derelict-glfw3": "~>1.1.0",
"derelict-ogg": "~>1.0.1",
"derelict-vorbis": "~>1.0.1",
"wave-d": "~>1.0.2",
"derelict-physfs": "~>1.0.0",
"derelict-il": "~>1.0.0",
"directx-d": "~>0.9.1",
"freeimage": "~>1.0.1+3.16.0",
"clfft": "~>0.1.1",
"lock-free": "~>0.1.1",
"derelict-alure": "~>1.0.0",
"dsfml": "~master",
"std_event": "~master",
"derelict_extras-glib": "~master",
"netstack": "~master",
"luad": "~master",
"three-d": "~master",
"grape": "~master",
"civge": "~master",
"nitro": "~master",
"nitro-gen": "~master",
"process-stats": "~master",
"llvm-d": "~master",
"bzip2": "~>0.1.0",
"simd": "~>0.0.2",
"cassowary-d": "~>0.0.1",
"dcheck": "~>0.1.0",
"d-beard": "~>2.0.0",
"geneticd": "~>0.1.1",
"orderedmap": "~>0.0.2",
"stochastic": "~>0.3.0",
"maybe-d": "~>0.0.1",
"pack-d": "~>0.3.0",
"quack": "~>1.0.0",
"dshell": "~>0.0.2",
"dgui": "~>1.0.1",
"djack": "~>0.0.1",
"dfl": "~>0.0.1",
"moggle": "~>0.0.1",
"libhell": "~>0.1.1",
"ae": "~>1.0.1",
"bloom": "~>0.2.1",
"dash": "~>0.12.0-beta2",
"dgraph": "~>0.0.1",
"opencl": "~>1.1.3",
"lua_d_api": "~>0.0.1",
"descl": "~>0.5.1",
"matte": "~>0.1.0",
"hap": "~>1.0.0-rc.2.1",
"voxelman": "~>0.4.1",
"jin-tree": "~>1.0.2",
"plot2kill": "~>0.0.2",
"pegged": "~>0.2.1",
"stribog": "~>1.4.0",
"jack": "~>1.0.1",
"allegro": "~>3.0.1+5.1.8",
"quantities": "~>0.4.4",
"m3": "~>0.0.7",
"descore": "~>1.2.7",
"dfftw3": "~>1.0.0",
"libusb-d": "~>0.1.1",
"ctpg": "~>3.0.2",
"phobosx": "~>0.7.3",
"ddbus": "~>1.0.1",
"standardpaths": "~>0.2.0",
"dmech": "~>0.2.2",
"imaged": "~>1.0.1",
"dyaml": "~>0.5.2",
"d2dgame": "~>2.0.1",
"rcstring": "~>0.0.1",
"dstats": "~>1.0.3",
"dmathgl": "~>0.1.2",
"fixed": "~>1.0.2",
"scid": "~>0.3.0",
"atmosphere": "~>0.1.7",
"sdlang-d": "~>0.9.3",
"libcerf": "~>1.4.1",
"digitalnet": "~>0.5.0",
"entitysysd": "~>1.0.1",
"wafom": "~>0.2.1",
"memutils": "~>0.4.1",
"dproto": "~>1.3.1",
"gl3n": "~>1.2.0",
"color": "~>0.0.1",
"windows-headers": "~>1.0.1",
"de_window": "~>0.1.3",
"asynchronous": "~>0.4.1",
"minimized": "~>0.1.7",
"cybuf": "~>1.0.0",
"sat": "~>1.0.0",
"dlangui": "~>0.6.32",
"meatbox": "~>0.1.6",