On Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 16:06:59 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 01:45:49 UTC, deadalnix wrote:


Congrat H. S. Teoh

Thanks for the link, I watched the whole video today and it was a very good presentation by Niebler. He mentions D and Teoh's example right at the top and gets an ovation at the 49 minute-mark, once he's gone through his entire C++ version of Teoh's D example.

Interesting that they're using the pipe symbol for chaining, more explicitly mimicking the unix command line. The fact that scoping meant that views and actions were explicitly labeled could be a nice benefit, though I generally dislike such verbosity normally. It is amazing how noisy some of the implementation code with templates is in C++: I felt like I was looking at some Haskell variant compared to how clean D would look for the same code.

Another thing I noticed that showed D nice-ness is when he was converting the weeks ranges to a string, the flow of the functions went from the bottom up (he specifically said "start from the bottom").
It looks so weird to me after using UFCS for so long.

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