On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 22:15:59 UTC, bitwise wrote:
On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 21:29:20 UTC, Namespace wrote:
But you can simply relinquish alias this and use opDispatch. Problem solved.

I don't understand what you mean.

import std.stdio;

struct Scoped(T) {
    private void[__traits(classInstanceSize, T)] buf = void;

    this(Args...)(auto ref Args args) {
        this.buf = typeid(T).init[];

    ~this() {

    private T get() {
        return cast(T) this.buf.ptr;

    auto opDispatch(string method, Args...)(auto ref Args args) {
        return mixin("this.get()." ~ method ~ "(args)");

auto scoped(T, Args...)(auto ref Args args) {
    return Scoped!T(args);

class A
    string name;

    this(string name)
       this.name = name;
       writeln("Creating A");

       writeln("Destroying A");

    void hello()
       writeln("Hello, ", this.name);

void main() {
    //A a0 = scoped!A("Test"); <-- fails

    auto a1 = scoped!A("Foo");

    auto a2 = scoped!A("Bar");

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