On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 20:04:06 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 18:43:42 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
In most cases though, just don't use classes. In most cases, inheritance is a horrible way to write programs anyway, because it's _horrible_ for code reuse. It definitely has its uses, but I've found that I rarely need classes in D. I suspect that far too many folks new to D end up using classes instead of structs just because they're used to using classes in C++ or Java or whatever.

What improvements to structs do you think would help people coming from C++/Java most?

I don't think the problem is with structs. The problem is that programmers coming from other languages default to using classes. The default in D should always be a struct. You use a class because you actually need inheritance or because you want to ensure that a type is always a reference type and don't want to go to the trouble of writing a struct that way (and even then, you should probably just write the struct that way). You shouldn't use a class as your default for user-defined types in D. But because other languages don't have structs quite like D does, and you use classes in those other languages, that's what most everyone wants to use - at least initially.

It would not surprise me if there are some compiler bugs with regards to structs that result in some loopholes that shouldn't be there (e.g. with @disable-ing stuff), but on the whole, I think that D structs are very well designed as they are. The only real issue IMHO is having an init value vs having a default constructor, and that's a tradeoff with pros and cons on both sides. It does sometimes seem painful to folks coming from C++, but on the whole, I think that we're better off for it.

- Jonathan M Davis

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