On Wednesday, 7 October 2015 at 15:06:55 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I'm looking for ideas on how to label the ranges returned from take and drop. Some examples of what I think are appropriate categories for other types of ranges:

Generative - iota, recurrence, sequence
Compositional - chain, roundRobin, transposed
Iterative - retro, stride, lockstep
XXX - take, drop

I'm guessing you're thinking about categorizing the list at


, right? ;)

That would, IMHO, be a nice usability/discoverability improvement, especially for new users!


Further, I've thought about adding some kind standardized graphical explanation for the ranges and algorithms in Phobos.

I've Googled a bit on this topic, say:

"algorithm visualization"

but I can't seem to find any concrete work on this topic. Refs ideas anyone?

What file format would be preferred for such graphical descriptions? I'm guessing SVG would be a good contender.

A supercool thing would be if we, with the help of D's marvellous meta-programming and CT/RT-reflection, could auto-generate these visualizations.

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