On Sunday, 11 October 2015 at 13:58:24 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
On Friday, 9 October 2015 at 07:20:43 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Friday, 9 October 2015 at 02:41:50 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
how to do iota(0,256) with ubytes ?
and more generally:
iota with 'end' parameter set to max range of a type.

of course this doesn't work:
auto b=iota(ubyte(0), ubyte(256));
//cannot implicitly convert expression (256) of type int to ubyte

Could we have a function with iota_inclusive that has inclusive bounds for 'end' parameter ?

A bounds parameter would be nice, like in std.random.uniform.

For anyone googling for a solution to this, here's a workaround:

auto b = iota(0, 256).map!"cast(ubyte)a";

Unfortunately this doesn't scale to iterating over all values of long or ulong.

Do not use string lambdas. It will be deprecated.

I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. Could you point me to something that supports that statement? I know there a few people who *want* them to be deprecated/removed, but that's a very different matter from "will be deprecated".

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