On 10/13/15 3:09 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 10/12/2015 06:49 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Experience with Rust is still young, but there seems to have
already been a backlash; programmers try it and it's just too
arcane to use in constant preoccupation about them ownership rules.

Copying linear types and going whole-hog stealing the ownership
system from Rust doesn't sound like the best strategy to Walter and

D can do ownership without copying the details of the Rust way. I
think that Marc's point was that basic similarities should be
allowed, because the design space isn't that vast.

At least one PL researcher whose opinion I trust believes linear
types don't have a future.

We already have linear types. (@disable this(this)).

That much is not too complicated.

D has its own context and its own approach to matters. I believe
creative solutions are possible that achieve much of what we need
without going the Rust way, which seems not appropriate for us.

What do we need?

Next paragraph after the one you quoted:

BTW where we want to be is: expressive reference counting without
loss of @safe-ty and hopefully good uniqueness control again with
@safe-ty and possibly a bit of compiler help.


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