On 2015-10-15 20:07, Shriramana Sharma wrote:

$ cat except.d
class MyException: Exception { this() { super(""); } }
void main() { throw new MyException; }

But it didn't give the expected results:

$ dmd except.d
$ ./except

... since the line number is wrong.

I always wondered, if the runtime can get the filename and line numbers for the backtrace, can't it get the same information where the exception was thrown?

This is too tortuous, and methinks a mixin is in order, and since I can't do
anything like the C preprocessor's #X stringizing, I can't declare this as a
mixin template but have to do a string mixin:

$ cat myexception.d
string ExceptionDeclaration(string newExceptionName, string
baseExceptionName = "Exception")
     return "class " ~ newExceptionName ~ ": " ~ baseExceptionName ~ `{
         this(string msg = "", string file = __FILE__, size_t line =
             { super(msg, file, line); }

I think constructors should be inherited.

If you declare the subclass as usual you can have a template mixin that adds the constructor.

class SubException : Exception
    mixin ExceptionConstructors;

/Jacob Carlborg

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