Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d wrote:

>> I previously had some serious problems with GDC so never tried that ever
>> again, but dmd, ldmd2 and ldc2 all generally have the same syntax, esp.
>> w.r.t missing -o...
> Where's the bug report?

Sorry I don't think I filed one. It was quite some time back. It was like 
after once installing GDC, I couldn't ever install DMD again and have it 
work. Maybe I posted about that here on the forum, but I don't remember. I'm 
not sure I would care to try to reproduce that since last time I was only 
able to reinstall DMD after a complete re-install of my Kubuntu system (a la 
Windows, yikes – never had to do that for *any* other Linux-based program!).

Besides, my post wasn't intended to deride GDC in any way... It's just that 
for C/C++ I already moved to Clang totally, so not too interested in GCC-
based compilers. I realize you are putting a lot of effort into GDC, but 
well it's just that I'm not looking into it. Sorry again...

Shriramana Sharma, Penguin #395953

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