On 2015-10-27 00:25, Tofu Ninja wrote:
I know this has basically no chance of ever actually being added because
that is the way of all "I want feature X" threads, but I thought I would
post this anyways because I seem to want it constantly.

So we have TemplateThisParameters methods which are cool but have some
They are templates so they are implicitly non-virtual and are called
based on the type of the reference.
It would be very nice to be able to auto generate method overrides based
on the this type with out having to drop a mixin in every sub class.
This would be very useful for CT-reflection.
I will call this new feature auto override methods for the rest of this

An auto override method would take the form of a template method with
only a single type argument that is the type of the class or any of it's
sub classes.
To differentiate it from TemplateThisParameters it could look like:

      returnType functionName(auto override this T)() {...}

When ever a class with an auto override method is sub-classed, the auto
override method template is re-instantiated with the sub-class type and
the method is overridden automatically.
Key point is that the method will still be virtual.

Here is an example contrasting an auto override method with a regular
TemplateThisParameters method.

class A
      void foo(this T)() { writeln(T.stringof); }
      void bar(auto override this T)() { writeln(T.stringof); }

class B : A {}

void main()
      A a = new A();
      a.foo(); // prints "A"
      a.bar(); // prints "A"

      B b = new B();
      b.foo(); // prints "B"
      b.bar(); // prints "B"

      A c = new B();
      c.foo(); // prints "A"
      c.bar(); // prints "B" <-- main advantage, method is virtual

I don't think this is possible. Think of code looking like this:

// Imagine not having access to the source code "createA"
A createA()
    new B;

void inspectA(A a)

How should the compiler know that when instantiating/calling "bar", T should be set to B? The compiler might not even know about B exists at all. Even if the compiler does have access to the complete source code it would, most likely, need to do a full program analyze to figure out the type of T, which is quite complicated.

/Jacob Carlborg

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