"Don" <nos...@nospam.com> wrote in message 
> AJ wrote:
>> Why not eliminate the requirement for semicolon statement terminators 
>> (unless there are multiple statements per line)? Less typing is "more"!
> Please don't post crazy stuff like this. This proposal

It's not a proposal, it's a question. It's becoming more well-formed as the 
thread evolves.

> would break every line of D code ever written.

I don't care about that. I just want to know the "right" way to do it. When 
I figure that out (and I will), I'll either give D designers one point or 
take one point away ("did he/they get it right or get it wrong?").

> YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME (and everyone elses).

Accumulating knowledge is never a waste of time. If you personally are not 
interested in the topic, why bother reading the thread? Isn't reading 
threads on topics you are not interested in and cannot add value to a waste 
of your time? 

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