On Monday, 16 November 2015 at 22:45:35 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
This is the start of the two week formal review for the proposed std.range.ndslice. This new addition to the standard library would add the ability to create and manipulate multi-dimensional random access ranges in a way that will be very familiar to those of you who use numpy. This has the potential to give D a huge boost in popularity in numerical and scientific applications.

A quick run down for those that are not familiar with the process. After two weeks, the PR author (Ilya Yaroshenko) will have time to make proposed changes. Then, when the author feels it's ready, the PR will go to a vote. In the vote, everyone in the community has a say, but if one of the main contributors or maintainers has a very negative opinion (for example) that will carry more weight.

Github: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/3397
dub: http://code.dlang.org/packages/dip80-ndslice
docs: http://dtest.thecybershadow.net/results/bac6211c1d73b2cf62bc18c9844c8c82c92c21e1/5c6071ca953cf113febd8786b4b68916cbb2cdaf/

previous discussion: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/rilfmeaqkailgpxoz...@forum.dlang.org

## Guide for Slice/Matrix/BLAS contributors

1. Pay _unprecedented_ attention to functions to be
       a. inlined(!),
       b. `@nogc`,
       c. `nothrow`,
       d. `pure`.
95% of functions will be marked with `pragma(inline, true)`. So, use _simple_ `assert`s with messages that can be computed at compile time.
    The goals are:
        1. to reduce executable size for _any_ compilation mode
        2. to reduce template bloat in object files
        3. to reduce compilation time
4. to allow a user to write an extern C bindings for code based on `Slice`.

2. Do not import `std.format`, `std.string` and `std.conv` to format error messages.`"Use" ~ Concatenation.stringof ~ ", really ."` Why? Please,
    read [1] again.

3. Try to use already defined `mixin template`s for pretty error messaging.

4. Do not use `Exception`s/`enforce`s to check indexes and length. Exceptions are allowed only for algorithms where validation of an input data is significantly complex for user. `reshaped` is a good example where Exceptions are required. Put an example of Exception handing and workaround
    for function that can throw.

5. Do not use compile time flags for simple checks like transposition of a matrix. It is much better to have runtime matrix transposition. Furthermore, Slice provide runtime matrix transposition out of the box.

6. Do not use _Fortran_VS_C_ flags. They are about notation,
but not about algorithm itself. To care about math world users add appropriate code example in the documentation. `transposed` / `everted`
    can be used for cash friendly code.

7. Do not use compile time power of D to produce dummy entities like

8. Try to separate allocation and algorithm logic whenever possible.

9. Add CTFE unittests to new functions.


Update docs:

-- Ilya

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