I'm struggling to understand dwarf EH, and figure it's a good idea to try and make it binary compatible with what gdc does, or at least not gratuitously different. If I use gdc to compile this:

void foo1() {
        try {
        catch(DD t) {
        catch(CC t) {
        catch {

the code generated looks like this:

                push    RBP
                mov     RBP,RSP
                sub     RSP,010h
                call      abc
                call      def
L12:            call      jkl
                jmp short       L86
                cmp     RDX,2
                je      L59
                cmp     RDX,3
                je      L7F
                cmp     RDX,1
                je      L33
                mov     RDI,RAX
                call    _Unwind_Resume
L33:            sub     RAX,8
                mov     RAX,[RAX]
                mov     ESI,offset _D3eh52DD7__ClassZ
                mov     RDI,RAX
                call    _d_dynamic_cast
                mov     -8[RBP],RAX
                mov     RAX,-8[RBP]
                mov     RDI,RAX
                call      ghi
                jmp short       L12
L59:            sub     RAX,8
                mov     RAX,[RAX]
                mov     ESI,offset _D3eh52CC7__ClassZ
                mov     RDI,RAX
                call    _d_dynamic_cast
                mov     -010h[RBP],RAX
                mov     RAX,-010h[RBP]
                mov     RDI,RAX
                call      ghi
                jmp short       L12
L7F:            call      mno
                jmp short       L12
L86:            leave

The calls to _d_dynamic cast appear to be redundant - shouldn't the value in RDX be sufficient? And why is there a 'default' call to _Unwind_Resume if RDX isn't an expected value? Shouldn't the personality routine simply not jump to the landing pad if none of the catch types are satisfied?

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