On Wednesday, 18 November 2015 at 15:12:27 UTC, Joakim wrote:
He advocates for a tool like gofix, to automatically convert such features to be deprecated:


Good to see C++ finally trying to deprecate more, long overdue.

Also found this comment from Scott when reading the comments just now:

"If C++ were to adopt zero-initialization by default, I'd expect a provision for opting out in every context where the current language doesn't require initialization (e.g., arrays, heap objects without constructors, etc.). What the opt-out syntax would be for the various contexts, I don't know, though the first place I'd look would be D to see what it does."

Good to see D influencing C++ development.

I thought this anonymous comment about his pacemaker example was funny:

"I surely hope you are talking about the programmer device for pacemakers and not the actual pacemaker inside someone's body. I worked for Intermedics until we got bought by Guidant on Monday and shut down on Tuesday. We had a project at that time that was being written in C++ and it was likely the compiler did not even have a standard year attached. I was never comfortable with that project given the really ugly tendencies of both compilers and software engineers to do awful things in code. The ugly things in compilers was behind the push for standards in both C and C++!

The actual pacemaker likely has so little memory and power that it would be very strange to be written even in C (but more likely after 16 years of improved technology). It is more likely that the pacemaker code is still being written in assembler and the whole program is likely less that a few thousand lines.

I am confused by your assertions. It would be *very* unlikely once a device is released to production that the compiler would be changed to a newer version. Medical device software that is done properly must undergo massive amounts of verification and validation before it is released. Changing the compiler would require that the compiler itself be exhaustively validated against the old compiler and then the verification and validation of the device would be required to be repeated. That whole process would likely cost hundreds of thousands of dollars (perhaps even a million) in engineer/clinician time to verify that the device is still safe and effective.

It is very likely that all properly managed medical device companies continue to use the initially validated compiler for a *very* long time. As an example, when I worked in arthroscopy, we used the same C compiler for our micro-controllers for 6 years before we even entertained updating to the very latest. And arthroscopy is not nearly as mission critical as pacemakers.

If the company you did contract work for was not that diligent, I would sure like to know who it is so I can tell my Dad to decline to use that manufacturer's pacemakers."

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