On Wednesday, 25 November 2015 at 22:51:28 UTC, rsw0x wrote:
On Wednesday, 25 November 2015 at 19:12:43 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
It's not. To DUB maintainers: this is a strategic error. Please throw SDL away and use a standardized file format. -- Andrei

And in what domain is json considered a standardized -configuration- file format?

I don't think that there's really _any_ format that qualifies as a standardized configuration file format, but JSON is a well-known, standardized format, whereas SDL really isn't. Plenty of programmers will be familiar with JSON even if they aren't familiar with what fields belong in a dub configuration file and what goes in them, but pretty much no one is going to know SDL. So, while SDL was not invented for dub, in terms of how well-known it will be to those new to dub, it might as well have been invented specifically for dub. With JSON, however, what will be new to most folks is what fields and values go in the configuration file, not the format that it's in.

So, from the standpoint of whether folks new to dub will have to learn a new file format, JSON is clearly better than SDL, though SDL may in fact be a better file format for a configuration file if you know both.

- Jonathan M Davis

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