On Sun, 2015-11-29 at 17:25 +0000, Poyeyo via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> C/C++ make/cmake/nmake -> here be dragons

Or SCons if you want to be cool. I guess Bazel (and maybe Tup) might
become trendy.
> perl CPANfile -> something perly
> java maven -> xml

Does anyone still use Maven – surely the world has moved to Gradle with
it's Groovy scripts using the Gradle DSL.

> ruby gemfile -> ruby
> python pip -> python egg

Python has moved to wheels, eggs were always crap.

> php composer -> json
> node.js npm -> json
> go godep -> json

I am not sure this as as mainstream as this comment implies. Also a lot
of people are using gb.

> rust cargo -> rust manifest

Which is TOML.

> d dub -> json and sdlang

Personally I abhor JSON for this kind of specification, it a transfer
notation between computers, cf. XML. On the other hand I couldn't get
SDL specs working. I will undoubtedly try again as SDL is just so much
nicer than JSON for this. On the third hand lots of people seem
addicted to JSON. On the fourth hand I cannot get worked up about this,
it is just a build specification script which really ought to be
written in D. cf. SBT for Scala uses Scala. Leiningen for Clojure uses
Clojure. These languages have the right idea.

Oh, I just got worked up about this.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
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