On Sunday, 29 November 2015 at 21:13:37 UTC, Enamex wrote:
On Saturday, 28 November 2015 at 20:04:11 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
While reading Okasaki's bool on persistent data structures, I found (page 14) a reference to a nice idea applicable to binary search using D's two-way "less than" comparisons.


Any takers?


Looks really simple. I could try? Though I'll probably come asking here about contribution procedures and stuff (especially that I can't, not possibly, compile Phobos or anything close to it with tests and such).

If you're on Linux, OSX or FreeBSD this should help you get started:

On Windows the part about `git` is the same, however I'm not sure about the additional tools like `make`. I would try getting them using `msys2`'s `pacman` package manager, though maybe the `make` distributed with DMC/DMD is specifically needed for DMD, phobos and druntime. This was written in more detail here: http://wiki.dlang.org/Building_DMD, however I'm not sure if the information is up to date.

Anyway, here you can find a good overview of the procedures (i.e. making Pull Requests on github):

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