On 11/30/2015 09:13 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I haven't worked out the math for insertion and deletion yet, but they
seem to also be around O(sqrt n) or O(log(n) * sqrt(n)).

(Assuming the bucket sizes actually grow linearly.) It seems to me that for insertion O(√n̅ log n) is very easy to achieve, but not for deletion. (For insertion, one simple strategy that satisfies the bound is to repeatedly move the maximum to the next heap [1].)

Deletion leaves a hole in one heap, which should be filled by the minimum element of the next heap, etc. The minimum cannot be extracted efficiently from a max-heap.

struct Fancy(T){
  T[] a;
  void insert(T t){
    size_t i=1,j=0;
      if(!(t<a[j])) continue;
      for(size_t c=0,w=1;w<i;c=w,w=2*c+1){
        if(w+1<i&&a[j+w]<a[j+w+1]) w++;
        if(!(a[j+c]<a[j+w])) break;
    for(auto c=a.length-1-j;c;c/=2){
      if(!(a[j+c/2]<a[j+c])) break;

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