On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:33:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
One well-known search strategy is "Bring to front" (described by Knuth in TAoCP). A BtF-organized linear data structure is searched with the classic linear algorithm. The difference is what happens after the search: whenever the search is successful, the found element is brought to the front of the structure. If we're looking most often for a handful of elements, in time these will be near the front of the searched structure.
Another idea is to just swap the found element with the one just before it. The logic is, each successful find will shift the element closer to the front, in a bubble sort manner. In time, the frequently searched elements will slowly creep toward the front. The resulting performance is not appealing - you need O(n) searches to bring a given element to the front, for a total of O(n * n) steps spent in the n searches. Meh.

So let's improve on that: whenever an element is found in position k, pick a random number i in the range 0, 1, 2, ..., k inclusive. Then swap the array elements at indexes i and k. This is the Randomized Slide to Front strategy.

Insertion and removal are both a sweet O(1), owing to the light structuring: to insert just append the element (and perhaps swap it in a random position of the array to prime searching for it). Removal by position simply swaps the last element into the position to be removed and then reduces the size of the array.

It seems to me you're trying to implement the array based equivalent of Splay Trees (Splay Array rhymes, btw). Would that be a close enough description?

I'm assuming you're trying to optimize for some distribution where a minority of the elements account for the majority of queries (say, Zipfian).

Here are some ideas that come to mind. I haven't thought through them too much so everyone's welcome to destroy me.

Rather than making index 0 always the front, use some rotating technique similar to what ring buffers do.

Say we initially have elements ABCDE (front at 0) and we search for C. We swap the left of front (cycling back to the end of the array, thus index 4) with the new front. We now have the following array at hand: ABEDC, front at 4 (logically CABED).

Obviously we shouldn't change front if the queried element is already it.

An immediate problem with this technique is that we'll frequently pollute the front of the array with infrequent items. Say these are the number of queries made so far for each element: A:7, B:5, C:2, all others 0. Also, assume that this is the state of the array at this point: DEABC, front at 2. Say we now query for B. This is the new state: DBAEC, front at 1 (logically BAECD). Having E in front of C is undesirable, so we need a way to avoid that.

From now on I'll refer to indexes as the logical index. That is, let i be (front + index) % size. For the sake of brevity, let d be the distance between the element and the front = i - front. Let q be the number of successful queries performed so far.

What I have in mind boils down to decide between:
- move a newly queried element at logical position i to the left of front (technique above). Let's call it move-pre-front for the lack of a better name; - bubble the element up to some position between [0, i), not necessarily max(0, i - 1).

Augmenting the array with the number of queries for each element would tremendously help the decision making, but I'm assuming that's undesirable for a few reasons like: - the array can't be transparently used in algorithms unaware of the structure;
- alignment;
- data bloating.

My immediate thought is to use some heuristic. For instance, say we have some threshold k. If d <= k, we bubble up s <= d positions to the left, where s could be computed using some deterministic formula taking d, q and/or k into account, or just randomly (Andrei's RStF). If d > k, we move-pre-front the element.

The threshold k could be computed as a factor of q. Say, sqrt(q), log q or log^2 q (logarithm base 2).



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