On Tuesday, 1 December 2015 at 16:18:37 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:
Judging by who is labeled an SJW, I'm one, and mentioning the existence of trans people in a context where their existence is relevant is sufficient to be labeled an SJW.

Really? That sounds bad, hopefully this will pass. Sounds like the trans people are going through the same process as the gays did before them. People who have problems with it probably have some uncertainty about their own identity at some level.

As for judging a programming language in three seconds...that's a bad analysis of the situation. I left Nim in part because Araq was, shall we say, less than friendly.

Oh well, but Araq is a mild breeze compared to the D citizens!!! There are plenty of people here that like to show off and prefer to go through the roof rather than having someone kindly bring them back to earth...

But some of us are very reasonable!! Like I decided not to hit you back for wrongly claiming that my "O(N)" should have been "O(infinity)" and that unqualified "big-oh" usually means "average complexity" (when lazy comp sci people use unqualified big-oh it always means worst case :-) But since I am going there anyway: average complexity analysis isn't something you can do on the back of a napkin, first you have to define a model for the input, then you have to transform it into something that can be dealt with, like a recurrence relation, then an integral that you solve analytically etc. So if it common for people around you to talk about average complexity analysis a lot then they probably have no idea what they are talking about. Average complexity is mostly of academic interest (publish or perish!) and insanely boring. In fact it is so boring, that the professor who taught the topic on my university started the lecture series by saying "I am sorry to say this, but this topic is very boring. I wish I could say that it will become better as we progress through this course, but it won't. It will remain boring throughout."

In the time it takes to do an average analysis of algorithm you can implement and benchmark it many times with much more useful results. So the next time you meet someone who boasts about their average analysis skills... be highly sceptical, they are probably bluffing. :^)

I guess this was off topic.

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