On Thursday, 3 December 2015 at 13:02:24 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
First I will say, there is confusion on what is valid and what is not. Misaligned pointers are pointers that are stored misaligned. In other words, they are stored not on a 4-byte or 8-byte boundary for 32 bits or 64 bits arch respectively.

An interior pointer is a pointer that is *properly aligned* but does not point at the first byte of a piece of memory. taggedPointer and taggedClassRef create *interior pointers*, not *misaligned pointers*. Andrei's proposal will create *misaligned pointers*. There is a huge difference.

I can make an interior pointer without casts on any type:

SomeType *pointer = ...;
void[] p = pointer[0..1];
p = p[1..$];

If the GC does not support this being the only pointer to a memory location, then the GC is not suitable for D. Period. Code will break in subtle ways if you use such a GC.

I can't see how a language with void* and/or unions could allow such a GC.

Indeed, I was talking about interior pointers. But you're right, I missed the fact that void pointers (and some others) can be valid interior pointers even to unstructured values. So the optimization I had in mind is not applicable in D, anyway.

We should then just adjust the specification to specifically allow changing the LSBs.

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