On Friday, 4 December 2015 at 01:27:42 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Consider the collections universe. So we have an imperative primitive like:

c.insertAfter(r, x)

where c is a collection, r is a range previously extracted from c, and x is a value convertible to collection's element type. The expression imperatively inserts x in the collection right after r.

Now this primitive may have three complexities:

* linear in the length of r (e.g. c is a singly-linked list)

* linear in the number of elements after r in the collection (e.g. c is an array)

* constant (c is a doubly-linked list)

These complexities must be reflected in the name of the primitives. Or perhaps it's okay to conflate a couple of them. I know names are something we're awfully good at discussing :o). Destroy!


The complexities of the operations is a property of the data structure being used. If each collection type will have it's own set of method names based on the complexity of operations on it, we won't be able to have templated functions that operate on any kind of collection(or at the very least, these functions will be really tedious to code).

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