AJ wrote:
Anyone have recommendations for which IDE to use to do an evaluation of D with? I don't need powerful capabilities as I'm just looking to write some code and get a feel for some things in D. A bundle would be great. Also, I think it would be fun to look at the libraries during the eval. "Eval" is too strong... I just wanna play around with D a little bit in my spare time. If I can't be up an running in less than an hour, including any reading necessary to get set up, I'll have to save it for another time. I definitely don't want to be at a commandline prompt. All comments/recommendations/opinions welcomed. (Thanks in advance).

You can use Code::Blocks and wxWidgets for an IDE and a GUI
on all platforms (Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and FreeBSD)

It's outdated (2008) and not a native D environment (C++),
so it probably won't work for evaluating D2 or TDPL book.

But it should be up and running is much less than an hour,
and it's also available in the package/ports repositories.

You can use either DMD/GDC and Phobos/Tango as you choose,
and the program and libraries are Free Software (GPL/LGPL).


http://gdcwin.sourceforge.net/ (MinGW)


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