V Wed, 30 Dec 2015 20:32:08 +0000
yawniek via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> napsáno:

> >>> Sönke is already on it.
> >>>
> >>> http://forum.rejectedsoftware.com/groups/rejectedsoftware.vibed/post/29110
> >>>   
> i guess its not enough, there are still things that make vibe.d 
> slow.
> i quickly tried
> https://github.com/nanoant/WebFrameworkBenchmark.git
> which is really a very simple benchmark but it shows about the 
> general overhead.
> single core results against go-fasthttp with GOMAXPROCS=1 and 
> vibe distribution disabled on a c4.2xlarge ec2 instance 
> (archlinux):
> vibe.d 0.7.23 with ldc
> Requests/sec:  52102.06
> vibe.d 0.7.26 with dmd
> Requests/sec:  44438.47
> vibe.d 0.7.26 with ldc
> Requests/sec:  53996.62
> go-fasthttp:
> Requests/sec: 152573.32
> go:
> Requests/sec:  62310.04
> its sad.
> i am aware that go-fasthttp is a very simplistic, stripped down 
> webserver and vibe is almost a full blown framework. still it 
> should be D and vibe.d's USP to be faster than the fastest in the 
> world and not limping around at the end of the charts.

Which async library you use for vibed? libevent? libev? or libasync?
Which compilation switches you used?

Without this info it says nothing about vibe.d's performance :)

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