On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 17:17:44 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 1/10/16 10:23 AM, anonymous wrote:
On 10.01.2016 16:11, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Do you have a PR in place yet?

Here we go:

...aaaaaand we're live. Congratulations and many thanks to the folks who worked on this! -- Andrei

That's awesome. Now :
- I have no idea what the code sample is doing. The code sample is not for me or anyone that already knows D, but for newcomer that wonder what the hell D is about. If I can't understand it at first glance, then it is missing it's goal BY FAR. - Learn barely make the cut on my 15' monitor. That's way too low. If one doesn't know D, one doesn't care about news, community or whatever.
 - Widget are still broken on https.
- The download button is small while surrounded by wasted grey area. BIG FAT DOWNLOAD WANTED, DEAD OR ALIVE. - Please don't make me click on the menus. You can also make them work with pure CSS using :hover - A light touch of green would make the page much nicer (complementary color, all that good fun).
 - Look and feel of packages and forum need to follow.

While I complains like a grumpy old man, I'd like to congrats people that makes this happen. This is very good for D. Good job.

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