So, say you're looking for the smallest 10 elements out of 100_000. The quickselect algorithm (which topN currently uses) will successively partition the set in (assuming the pivot choice works well) 50_000, 25_000, etc chunks all the way down to finding the smallest 10.

That's quite a bit of work, so 3934 uses an alternate strategy for finding the smallest 10:

1. Organize the first 11 elements into a max heap

2. Scan all other elements progressively. Whenever an element is found that is smaller than the largest in the heap, swap it with the largest in the heap then restore the heap property.

3. At the end, swap the largest in the heap with the 10th and you're done!

This is very effective, and is seldom referred in the selection literature. In fact, a more inefficient approach (heapify the entire range) is discussed more often.



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