On 01/17/2016 06:55 AM, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
So, what can be done is to introduce TopNStrategy.auto which is the
default and uses the (current or better) heuristic to switch between
strategies, but also leave a way to explicitly select one of the two
strategies, just like one can do now with sort!(...,

A nice idea, but it seems a bit overengineered. The differences among approaches are rather subtle and explaining the circumstances under which one does better than the other is about as difficult as making the choice in the implementation.

BTW there's yet another approach:

1. Create a max heap for r[0 .. nth]

2. Create a min heap for r[nth .. $]

3. As long as r[nth] < r[0], swap them and restore the heap property in the two heaps

At the end of the process we have the smallest element in r[nth .. $], which is exactly in the r[nth] position, greater than or equal to the largest element in r[0 .. nth], which is exactly what the doctor prescribed.

Complexity of this turns rather nice. Step 1 is O(k), step 2 is O(n - k). In the worst case (r is sorted descending), step 3 will stop after k iterations and does k heap insertions in the two heaps. So overall complexity is O(n + k log(k) + k log(n)). Since k <= n, keep the largest terms: O(n + k log(n)). So if k is proportional to n / log(n), we get O(n). And that's worst case!

BTW I figured how to do stable partition. That'll come in a distinct PR.


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