On Tuesday, 19 January 2016 at 07:21:09 UTC, Puming wrote:
On Monday, 18 January 2016 at 10:20:13 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
As the new design rolled out on dlang.org, I decided to push the changes on forum.dlang.org as well. From what I gathered from the previous feedback thread, I believe we've addressed the most stringent issues. Once again thanks to anonymous / @aG0aep6G for doing practically all the work, and to everyone who's provided feedback so far.

I often found that I have to hover mouse on the title when viewing "Last Post" on the forum index pages, and think that is a bit annoying.

The "Group" column is very wide, with not any content.

So I changed the css a little and get this looking:


Now "Last Post" column is at the center of focus and most of the times the title is shown wholy.

The reason for why the widths are as they are right now:

1. The group descriptions are only shown on the index page. The full post titles, however, can be seen on click or hover.

2. The table and its contents needs to look fine at all window widths.

3. The "Last Post" column's main purpose is to see at a glance whether there has been any activity in the corresponding group since your last visit. The most important parts of it is the timestamp and whether the last post has been read or not.

The post shown there is not selected by some criteria of popularity or importance; for more high-traffic groups, it is essentially a random selection from the active threads.

As such, attempts to put more focus on the "Last post" column to me seem frankly illogical.

As for the subtitle in "Group" columns, I think you can make it a hover tip instead of directly displaying.

The group names are extremely succinct as they are. The descriptions are of critical importance for new visitors.

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