On Saturday, 23 January 2016 at 14:19:03 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
This is mostly to prevent ugly hacks like Flag [1].


[1] https://dlang.org/phobos/std_typecons.html#.Flag

To be pedantic, this would be adding named arguments, not named parameters. The parameters are already named, but mixing up arguments and parameters is a common mistake to make, and folks do frequently talk about named parameters with regards to this sort of feature.

Regardless, I for one, hope that we never have named arguments. It's just one more thing that's then part of the function's signature that you can't change without breaking code and will cause that much more bikeshedding. At least right now, parameter names don't matter much, whereas if they're part of the API, then they're open to all of the issues that function naming has.

And while I appreciate that this DIP does not make named arguments the default behavior for a function, making it up to the library writer whether they support named arguments or not is likely to create a lot of bikeshedding and debates over whether a particular function or library should support named arguments. Personally, I'd never use them under any circumstances.

However, I do appreciate that the DIP doesn't allow for reordering the arguments based on their names. It does make named arguments a bit less ugly.

- Jonathan M Davis

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