On Monday, 25 January 2016 at 21:30:47 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
So in short, the RNG shouldn't be a range at all. Of course it could be a struct (for sanity and other reasons), but not a range.

I wonder then, assuming we remove RNG from being a range, the a RNG could give out a delegate of it's current data, and that delegate get passed to a range-like wrapper? Or maybe the RNG returns a Voldemort range that referrs to the original RNG which isn't a range anymore... Actually that sounds promising. Aliasing could deal with it automatically converting/creating the range.

Well, an idea that was suggested to me at DConf (by several people; thanks in particular to Steve S. and to DiceBot!) was indeed to separate RNG state from the range interface, and to disable copy-by-value for the state data structure.

One option would be to implement the basic RNG data structor à la C++, as a functor: so it'd be something like:

    struct SomeRNG(UIntType, ...)
        // the RNG state variables

        UIntType opCall()
            // returns a random variate

... and again, you'd disable copy-by-value for this entity. I had some fun a while ago playing with this and the appropriate technique to wrap it into a range (it's not as trivial as you think, because you need to use some tricks to ensure truly lazy evaluation of the range, where D ranges typically evaluate the first element eagerly).

Where I ran into trouble was considering how to extend this approach in a viable way to stuff like randomSample, i.e. the stuff which wraps randomness, which also needs to ensure its internal state is never copied by value, and yet which needs (ideally) to fit nicely into a UFCS chain of ranges:

someInput.filter!(WHATEVER).randomSample(n, rng).map!(...).writeln;

I suppose it might be possible to implement a functor-based approach for this, that could be wrapped in a range, but it feels nasty for something which really ought to fit more naturally into the range syntax: a random sample is just an algorithm (similar to those in std.algorithm), but one whose elements need to be truly lazily evaluated and whose values are not deterministic but depend on a source of randomness.

The entire complication comes out of the fact that in order to play nice in a statistical sense, you need the RandomSample range to be a reference type, but in order to play nice with the kind of in-the-middle-of-the-inner-loop use above, you need it to be cheap and quick to instantiate and destroy (so classes and heap allocation are a problem).

Basically, what you probably want is for RandomSample to be a struct, but with a reference-type internal state that is nevertheless allocated on the stack and that is cheap to create and let go of when you're done with it.

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