On Wednesday, 27 January 2016 at 00:16:58 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
I've recently spent about 2 or 3 months writing C++14 at work. I ended up complaining a lot. Most of the time because I'd written a bug that wouldn't have happened in D. The rest was usually due to something supposedly simple taking an inordinate amount of work.

The deepest I've personally gone into C++ was when writing a quicksort and other sort functions. The whole thing fell spectacularly apart for something that was tiny and obscure and looked correct. It was quite a pain.

The penny really dropped when I wrote D again for the 1st time after weeks and weeks of C++14. It was night and day. Suddenly my thoughts started getting to converted to code all that faster, with fewer bugs to distract and annoy me.

Do you know how you split a string in C++? You install boost, that's how.

Heh, considering strings are still based on C's implementation which null terminated, mostly due to memory constraints that the original computers had (64k, OR LESS of memory), EVERY byte was precious. I'm not sure how Boost would deal with splitting a string, but I can think of a way that would do the job (well two ways if you want one that doesn't mutate the original data).

I personally think C++ should probably be abandoned for a better language since it's insistence on backwards compatibility chains it to some very bad design decisions; And it's horrid syntax *Yuck!* which has kept me from using it for over two decades; Not to mention the STL looks confusing and only makes some sense after a good video tutorial where the basics of the principles were explained.

Good code and API's shouldn't need a lot of explaining to get them to work. Good design shouldn't need a lot of fiddling to get it to work in a way that logically makes sense.

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