On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 13:27:45 UTC, karabuta wrote:
I understand many D programmers were formally(or still is or in-between) C++ but most explanations for certain things tells me either D is a C++ clone or I need to learn C++ first before I really understand D (kind of like C++ is a subset of D). I must say that I never coded C++ beyond "hello, world!" and I don't plan to.

This is not about me and what I want, it is about improving the D learning resources available. Explaining D code by using C/C++ code and or theory confuses me as a learner. D alone is too much to learn.

You neither need a C nor a CPP background to learn D.
Before starting to learn D I was only (and barely) reading C, just because of the few times I had to deal with C headers file when using bindings in another lang.

You can start D from scratch. This is not because there are comparisons (such as the wiki sections: comming from...) that it's mandatory.

For example with


you can start from scratch, at least the book is advertised so.

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