On 5/02/2016 11:03 AM, tsbockman wrote:

The compiler cannot (in the general case) verify that `extern(C)`
declarations are *correct*. What it could do, though, is verify that
they are *consistent*.

If the same `extern(C)` symbol is declared multiple places in the D
source code for a program, the compiler should issue at least a warning
if the D signatures don't agree with each other.

Currently D allows overloading extern(C) declarations, see

Checking for invalid overloads with non-D linkage is covered here:

But neither of these cover overloads that aren't simultaneously visible.
15217 shows us that this lack of checking, when combined with D's abundant binary-compatible-but-distinct types, is somewhat useful.

Apart from some scary ABI hacks there is nothing really stopping us from enforcing that all non-D function in all modules included in a single compilation have distinct symbol names or (at least binary-compatible) matching D parameters.

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