I want to do a quick survey of the community, to help figure out the best way to fix Phobos issue 15645: Tuple.slice() causes memory corruption.


BACKGROUND: Currently, Tuple.slice() returns an actual slice: an interior pointer to some part of the original Tuple.

However, alignment issues require that the return type be something other than a standard Tuple to maintain memory safety. My PR adds a hidden padding member to the beginning of the return type: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/3973

Saurabh Das has submitted an alternative, and arguably more elegant solution (WIP): https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/3975

His version simply returns the slice by value, rather than reference. This solves the memory safety issue, but it is a potentially significant breaking change.

THE QUESTION: Does anyone care? Is anyone writing code that depends upon the ref-ness of Tuple.slice()'s return type?

(If we go with Saurabh Das' approach, we'll deprecate the old slice() by ref method, so it there won't be any *silent* breakage either way.)

VOTE HERE: http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/rtjndn/fixing-ds-tupleslice-issue-15645

RESULTS (so far): http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/kpnmtk/fixing-ds-tupleslice-issue-15645/view

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