On Wednesday, 10 February 2016 at 18:51:21 UTC, w0rp wrote:
I wonder if the addition of another function for printing will confuse some new users.

I'm a relatively new D user. For the most part, all I use is writeln because that's what was used in the Hello World examples. I only bother looking for other printing functions when I need them.

Nevertheless, I struggle with some of the documentation in std.stdio. A few functions, like byChunk, are documented in a high-quality way. For others, the situation is not so good. Look at stdout, just says standard output stream. There's no definition of stream anywhere in there, or a link to maybe the wikipedia page on streams. When I google output stream it brings up Java documentation. I happen to know what it means and someone with other programming experience will too, but not a new programmer. Many other functions are documented in a similarly terse fashion.

So no, I don't think adding another function to std.stdio will be confusing ipso facto. Instead, if you think new users will find std.stdio confusing, may I suggest improving the documentation (of both old and new functionality).

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