On 02/10/2016 01:51 PM, w0rp wrote:
I wonder if the addition of another function for printing will confuse
some new users.

In my experience:

* two names for the same exact thing => annoyance (not only in D, e.g. dual use of "class" and "typename" in C++)

* two different names that do the same thing in slightly different without a distinction, interchangeable ways => confusion and annoyance (e.g. "class" vs "struct" in C++)

* two names that do the same thing, one poorly and one better => confusion (e.g. "stringstream" vs. "strstream", vector<bool> vs vector_bool in C++)

* two names that do two similar, but distinct things => "oh ok" (e.g. "map" vs. "multimap").

So I think we're safe.


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