On Wednesday, 17 February 2016 at 02:20:15 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
One example of a existing guarantee you won't be able to keep, for example, is that any immutable allocation can be completely put into separate read-only memory.

Yes, and it would be rejected statically (rule 2). I therefor don't consider this a problem.

A very important property for building optimized allocators if you keep in mind sharing goals of immutability.

This is considered too (rule 3). An object can only be immutable if all its embedded @mutable members are marked as shared.

For example, it's always possible to use a global mutable associative array to store additional data connected with an immutable or const object (ignoring purity issues for the moment). That's safe because from the outside, there's no observable change to the state of the object itself, and the global AA's type (shared/thread-local) prevents race conditions.

Yes and this is how I believe it must be done.

There's no reason why we can't have the same guarantees for embedded members, without resorting to an external AA. Have a look at my DIP [1] for lazy initialization of const members, which I now realize can be adapted to this use case. Basically, just replace `lazy` by `@mutable`, and most of the DIP is still valid. I'll try updating it when I find the time.

[1] http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP85

The problem with this DIP is that it speaks about type system semantics and what matters first is memory model (which is currently very under-defined as soon as you step from a "the GC" world).

I'd say most of the memory model issues are the same as those with shared, which is just as undefined currently. That leaves possible reordering of accesses to immutable data. I don't have a complete answer to that at the moment, but most of it is likely also covered by the fact that the @mutable members must be shared in this case.

Physical immutability is demanding but it also has great value in its simplicity and being hard to fool. Any language change that is going to reject this notion has to be really strongly justified in terms of what is gained and what is lost and not come simply because expressing such semantics is possible.

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