On Thursday, 18 February 2016 at 00:35:01 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:
On Wed, 17 Feb 2016 22:57:20 +0000, Márcio Martins wrote:

I was reading the other thread "Speed kills" and was wondering if there is any practical reason why DMD is the official compiler?

Walter Bright is the lead developer, and for legal reasons he will never touch source code from a compiler he didn't write. And since DMD is something like twice as fast as LDC, there's at least some argument in favor of keeping it around.

Should Walter retire, there's a reasonable chance that LDC will become the primary compiler. However, compilation speed is important.

I'm not sure how different LDC and DMD are, but perhaps you could use DMD for development and LDC for production builds?

Correct me, but If I understand correctly what I read on other threads, LDC & GDC uses the same frontend that DMD, but a few versions more older because they need to update the glue layer the front end with lvm/gnu backend ?

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