On Thu, 18 Feb 2016 13:00:12 +0000, Witek wrote:
> So, the question is, why is D / DMD allocator so slow under heavy
> multithreading?

It's a global GC, possibly with a little per-thread pool.

As part of the abortive Amber language project, I was looking into ways 
to craft per-thread GC. You need to tell the runtime whether a variable 
is marked as shared or __gshared and that's pretty much sufficient -- you 
can only refer to unshared variables from one thread, which means you can 
do a local collection stopping only one thread's execution. You can have 
one heap for each thread and one cross-thread heap.

This work hasn't happened in D yet.

I would like to look into D's GC and parallelism more. I've started on 
mark/sweep parallelism but haven't made any worthwhile progress. I'll 
take this as my next task. It's more awkward because it requires changes 
to the runtime interface, which means modifying both DMD and the runtime.

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