On Sunday, 21 February 2016 at 13:36:26 UTC, maik klein wrote:
Good job, but could you also explain why do you think its better than in dutyl? I currently also use nvim with dutyl(dcd, dscanner, fmt) and youcompleteme and I haven't run into any issues.

As Dutyl's author, I can think of few things:

1) Dutyl requires the user to run DCD in the background. It provides helpers to start and stop the DCD server, but it's still up to the user to run them. I did not want to start DCD automatically when I have no way of closing it when the user exits Vim. deoplete-d is running the DCD server as a Python subprocess, so it can fully control it's lifetime.

2) Dutyl is running dcd-client synchronously and parses it's output in the main Vim process, which freezes Vim. The freezes are very short - DCD is very fast and there is not much to parse - but they still exist. deoplete-d, on the other hand, is using the deoplete framework to do this asynchronously, so the completions seem instantaneous. This is mainly an illusion - they should take about the same time(OK, maybe a bit faster - after all, Python is faster than VimScript), and they only feel faster because they are done asynchronously and there are no freezes, but I can see how it improves the UX.

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