Le 17/02/2016 23:57, Márcio Martins a écrit :
I was reading the other thread "Speed kills" and was wondering if there
is any practical reason why DMD is the official compiler?

Currently, newcomers come expecting their algorithm from rosetta code to
run faster in D than their current language, but then it seems like it's
actually slower. What gives?

Very often the typical answer from this community is generally "did you
use LDC/GDC?".

Wouldn't it be a better newcomer experience if the official compiler was
either LDC or GDC?
For us current users it really doesn't matter what is labelled official,
we pick what serves us best, but for a newcomer, the word official
surely carries a lot of weight, doesn't it?

 From a marketing point of view, is it better for D as a language that
first-timers try the bleeding-edge, latest language features with DMD,
or that their expectations of efficient native code are not broken?

Apologies if this has been discussed before...

Like you said it's only a marketing issue.

DMD will and can stay the reference, but IMO as you also evoke it the most important thing is certainly to have LDC/GDC more sync with DMD front-end version because new comers will feel comfortable to use an other compiler up to date that can also target more platforms.

I am exactly in this case, I prefer to use a compiler that make my code running on all platforms (android, iOS,...), but I don't want suffering of staying on an older front-end that will limit me by missing features or bugs.
So I am using DMD with some frustration lol.

And ldc/gdc need more love :
1. A direct link to download latest version (instead of a like to the project page)
2. An installer like for DMD that can download Visuald optionally
3. Be auto detected by building tools (dub, Visuald,...)

I know Visuald support ldc, but for dub I didn't find anything on how it find which compiler to use.

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