On 29/02/16 1:10 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
I'm pretty unhappy with the state of dmd. I think the best that can be
said for it at the moment is that it works.

1. every time we fix something, there are unexpected regressions.
2. the code is a hopeless tangle.
3. too much global state (like global.errors, which is itself a source
of repeated regressions)
4. it's slowed down substantially.
5. near complete lack of encapsulation
6. my ideas on how software should be written have evolved a lot since
it was laid out

This cannot be fixed overnight, but I've been working on it off and on
in between doing other more urgent things, and submitting PRs for them.
The goals of all this are (and this includes the back end):

1. elimination of all conditional compilation, and macros. All that code
should be encapsulated and banished to Port or Target.

2. encapsulation of all memory management. For example, StringExp's
instance of string data is allocated and free'd all over the place. I've
made some progress in encapsulating it. Getting it properly encapsulated
means we can do Small String Optimization in it, which should get us a
nice boost. SSO for all these sorts of structures needs to be done.

3. retrofit in const as much as possible, and later try to use pure.

4. get rid of all global state variables, except for configuration stuff
set by command line switches

5. convert back end to D.

6. use nested functions to improve encapsulation.

7. remove C++ artifacts, like the fake delegates, and replace them with
real delegates

8. replace symbol tables and custom hash code with builtin hashes, and
fix the builtin hashes if they aren't as fast

9. change to "full lazy" semantic analysis of imports, i.e. only parse
them far enough to build the symbol table. Do semantic analysis of the
symbols only on demand. I did this for enums a while back, and the
results have been very pleasing.

10. use rc memory for CTFE, or even stack memory. this is already done
to a small extent, but should go much further

11. encapsulate, encapsulate, encapsulate

12. start retrofitting with phobos algorithms

13. use ranges

One benefit of all this is we could start using multicores to compile!

This will all take years, but we've already made good progress such as
the conversion of the source code to D.

I have to suggest this, but how much work do you believe it would take to switch over to sdc's frontend instead? (Keeping in mind it isn't compiling much right now).

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