On Tuesday, 1 March 2016 at 21:00:30 UTC, Erik Smith wrote:
The main focus of this project is to bring a standard interface for database clients. This is similar to the purpose of JDBC (java) and DBI (perl). While there is some existing work in place (ddbc, etc.c.odbc.sql, vibe.d and other newer projects), my goal, after a lengthly period of community review/revision, is to achieve Phobos inclusion for the interface standard and also some of the implementations. There is debate on whether the implementations belong there, but I have made the implementation Phobos compatible (by using templates) while this issue is sorted out.

My quick comments:

1. In my opinion it should not be called std.database, but let's say "std.dbc". This is because it looks like a wrapper over db clients. Moreover one may say it's almost impossible to make a common and effective interface which would work with all databases. e.g. someone on Wikipedia argues ODBC is obolete (check "ODBC today")

2. I'm not against such a functionality in Phobos. However your project seems to be a duplication of the DDBC project. And it was not proposed for inclusion so often.

3. What I call a D Database API could be described as:
 - Database object
 - DbCollection object (equivalent to array)
 - ranges + std.algorithm

 And here is my implementation (experimental) of this API:


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