On Fri, 04 Mar 2016 22:22:48 +0000, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

> On Friday, 4 March 2016 at 03:14:01 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:.
>> And that's exactly one of the benefits of fibers: two workers ping pong
>> back and forth, without much risk of losing their cached data.
>> Is my assumption correct?
> Not if it is hyper-threaded, as pairs of threads are sharing resources.
> The only advantage of fibers is modelling, not performance. If you want
> max performance you need more control.

You can get that control by interacting with the scheduler. Thread 
schedulers tend to be in the kernel and fiber schedulers tend to be in 
userspace, so as a practical matter, it should be easier to get that 
control with fibers.

Assuming your framework gives you access to the scheduler or lets you 
write your own. D does.

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