On Sunday, 6 March 2016 at 17:06:12 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:
On Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:02:20 +0000, Tourist wrote:


On Sunday, 6 March 2016 at 14:19:21 UTC, Michalis wrote:
Even though Java is still my favorite...

For completeness... Do you have experience with C#?

They said they use Mono, which means C# or VB or F#. Maybe Nemerle. But probably C#.

Yes, I work with C# (using the Mono framework using the MonoDevelop IDE) at work. We prefer .Mono instead of .Net framework mainly for its platform interoperability as well as the fact that .Mono projects are far easier and faster to work with than VisualStudio projects.

With F#, I went through a few tutorials and just left it there because ...well ..VisualStudio

As for VB, I've had enough of it when I was working at my 1st employer.. horrible.. ;)

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