On 3/8/2016 7:54 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
This more or less means that we (as in D enthusiasts) have some more time to
carve up some "market" share. Till C++20 I guess.

Back in the olden (Zortech C++) days, lots of people told me that the next release of Microsoft C++ was going to be so awesome, it would bury us. That we might as well go buy our caskets and reserve a burial plot right now. This drumbeat would continue right up until the release.

The release was always underwhelming, and ZTC++ would find even more customers.

The same pundits would then say, yeah, that release wasn't that great. But the *next* release, that one will bury Zortech!

And so it would go on for every release.

Microsoft only buried us after we stopped working on it.

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