On Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 09:44:22 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:
On Tuesday, 15 March 2016 at 22:26:15 UTC, Karabuta wrote:
DlangUI has a nice API design but still need serious design and art work to catch up with Gtk 3.18 - 2.0 in terms of UI look and feel. I also find that it just have basic widgets. With Gtk you have Switch, Stack, Notebook, HeaderBar, and many modern input widgets for a modern GUI toolkit.

Some of such widgets are easy to implement.
Switch - just need to add new style for button to theme.
Switch, Stack, Notebook, HeaderBar - new styles for TabHeader, TabHost, TabWidget
Can be implemented in one day.

Some other controls like Rich Edit or HTML view are much harder to implement, and require a lot of development time.

Making of OSX native looking controls seems easy - new theme based on OSX screenshots is to be created.

Well, the absence of those widgets is what keeps me from completely adopting DlangUI for my projects. I wish they were added. Modern UI is not just textboxes, lables and tables. Once those widgets are added,I will create my own themes and make it super great.

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